Plan of Road Safety Activities Children up to 10 years old do not yet have the knowledge or skills to handle traffic situations without adult supervision. With that in mind, it is important to teach your children about road safety as soon as they are old enough to step out of the house. 1. The First graders will have a relay race with physical education teachers. 2. The Second graders will have an Exhibition of traffic rules. 3. The Third graders will go to cross the road on a pedestrian with homeroom teachers, teachers assistance and activity coordinator. 1 graders • Each class should have their own color of t-shirts. • Motto • Own emblem • Students must be familiar with road signs. 3 graders • To do this, teachers should have a conversation with students in advance. • Prepare permission from parents • During the Character Education lesson, we will walk the road To do this, teachers should have a conversation with students in advance. Students must be familiar with road signs. Road Safety Skills Real-world traffic situations are the ideal places to learn road safety techniques. Children learn through experience, and interaction with adults’ aids in their learning. By conversing with your youngster as you walk, you can assist. Ask about traffic, signs, roads, and the best places and ways to cross the street safely. • Talk to children about the traffic environment. • Explain what you are doing when you cross the road together. Involve children in deciding when it is safe to cross the road. • Show images of people/children wearing seatbelts, obeying road rules, driving courteously and crossing roads safely. • Make eye contact with road users, especially at intersections. • Involve children in choosing safe places to play. • Tell parents to separate play areas from driveways. • Talk together about signs and traffic lights. Identify and discuss places where it is safe to cross the road. • Teach children how to cross roads using the ‘stop, look, listen and think’ process – stop at the kerb, look and listen for traffic and then decide whether it is safe to cross. On excursions, walk together along the safest footpaths and use safe crossing places, such as pedestrian crossings and on straight sections of the road.